We are pleased to announce that in line with the recent Governments Directive, we are now able to open our fishing lake. We will therefore be opening Martello Lake on Monday 18th May 2020 to members only.
You will understand that we still have to abide to the Governments Guidelines for ‘Social Distancing’ which includes the use of our outdoor sport facilities.
In order to comply with these regulations, the following system and rules will apply for as long as the Coronavirus situation continues. We would ask that these Rules are complied with at all times. Please do not contest them with Derek (the Bailiff) or Karen at the office.
- The site is only open to members.
- The lake will open 7 days a week from 07.00 am – 20.00 pm.
- All fishing is to be pre-booked. Bookings to be made via the RKB Leisure office either by calling Karen on 01732 885563 or via email on: info@rkbleisure.co.uk.
- When making bookings, you will only be permitted to book for 2 weeks in advance. Bookings can only be made between the hours of 10.00 am and 12.00 pm Monday – Friday
- Only 45 swims / pegs will be available each day.
- Only the allocated swim given to you at the time of booking can be used – you are not allowed to change swims.
- Members will only be allowed to book 2 days in any 1 week. Anybody found trying to abuse this will again be banned until the Coronavirus is over.
- All bookings will be given an arrival time, which you must adhere to. We do not want members turning up early and causing queues. Members turning up early will be turned away. We do not want queuing.
- Each booking will be allocated a car park location (car parks will be marked). You must use the car park allocated to you. Please do not congregate in the car parks.
- NO children will be allowed on the site during this current Coronavirus situation. Anybody arriving with children will be turned away and they will lose their booking for the day.
- Only 1 person per swim will be allowed on site: 1 member to 1 swim. Members are not permitted to wander around – you must stay in your swim where possible. Where you have a family membership, you will only be allowed 2 swims a day and you must book both of them.
- Toilet facilities – these will be available and will be cleaned regularly throughout the day. You must however abide by the distancing rules. Only 1 person at a time in the toilet block and if queuing occurs, you MUST keep to the 2 metre apart distancing rule.
Please understand these rules are for YOUR safety. Please also understand that Derek the Bailiff is the RKB representation on site and as such you must abide by his instructions regardless. We will accept any disputes on site. If you have a problem with the Rules and you wish to bring them to the attention of RKB Leisure Ltd, please email us (info@rkbleisure.co.uk).
Please enjoy your fishing and remember you are responsible for your own wellbeing – Be sensible.